Friday, November 16, 2012

ThreeDot Posting (no coherent theme) . . .

I stole the ThreeDot thing from Herb Caen, long-time columnist for the SF Chronicle who I always enjoyed; RIP, unfortunately . . . Had a quick consultation with my physical therapist yesterday after a three-month-long hiatus; she thinks I am walking better with one crutch and with two.  She also gave me two more stretches to include in my regimen that loosen the basking seal and the hip flexor.  I continue to improve slowly, though I think I have reached the upward inclining plateau that I was told about.  I honestly don't think that I will be walking unassisted by the end of the year, as my neurologist predicted with 90% confidence.  Leave it to me to seize on the losing 10%, though I shall keep working  . . . Traveled alone for the first time since this slo-mo s*** storm overtook me.  Went to LA to adjudicate and give four clinics at the Biola Invitational, then up to Sacramento to see my elder daughter and the two grandsons in Davis. That's into/out of four airports twice each, tipping wheelchair drivers both ways: $5 bills flew out of my man purse! . . . Erin has been in HI since the 11th doing clinics, et. al. for Miguel Felipe (or is it Felipe Miguel?) who is at UH on Oahu.  She comes home on the 19th. Miguel comes here for the exchange of what I call TenureBrowniePoints.  Erin got to go to HI; Miguel gets to come to Alabama! . . . My younger daughter on the Big Island gets married next month in a ThreeDay wedding bash that Erin and I will go to.  And yes, it's her first marriage; apparently she got tired of her serially monogamous ways.  Or just met the right guy . . . While in LA, was great to get together with Christian Campos and Joe Paguio.  We had Korean BBQ and watched Oregon have its way with USC.  Food, fellowship, beer and soju were all wonderful.  Good Korean food is one of only four things that I really miss about Cali; the other three are my buddy Dennis, the Sierra and LAX . . . Have been back at the YMCA since 20 August doing three leg and butt strength builders and six ego-enhancing upper body lifts.  Plus some minutes on the recumbent bicycle.  I just really miss shooting buckets (I miss the sound of the DeadSolidPerfect shot); I hope I can finally do that again before I cash in . . . Just finished subbing for a pregnant/birth-giving woman at the local community college. Reminded my of my Y'all Come Choirs, but they are sweet kids. Am taking Erin's Concert Choir rehearsal today.  That's always fun: they are disciplined (thanks to Erin's threats to 'rip your face off' if they aren't), well prepared, well taught, and the music is really good . . . Speaking of fun: my recent clinics and subbing prove at least one thing: from the waist up, I'm still a helluva fine, fun conductor, you betcha . . . Great day for college football tomorrow in two Pac-8 games that I will watch: USC-UCLA, which has been a favorite of mine since 1960, and Stanford-Oregon, in which it will be fun to see if Stanford's fine defense can stop that ferocious, deadly Oregon offense.  Bliss . . . Yes, I said Pac-8.  Think  about it . . . Thank God Obama got a second term, renewing my faith in my country somewhat.  At least for the time being . . .

OK. That's it for now.  By your leave, I shall gather up my ellipses and depart. I welcome responses here or on my FB page.  Y'all take care, now.