Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Morning Briefing

My condition has worsened considerably. I can barely walk even with the walker. Am undergoing a spinal arteriogram on Thursday, which is supposed to halt the progress and begin the long slow climb back. Neurologist and three radiologists are convinced it will work. Don't know that I am; I was fooled once a year ago. Am beginning negotiations to have myself checked into Vanderbilt medical center to confirm or refute this diagnosis/prognosis, or to possibly discern other causes. This will be my fifth surgery in the past year, though one was very minor. The good thing is the 30 seconds of opiate euphoria I experience while being wheeled into the OR; I should have done the 60's in a way other than grad school, lemme tell ya. Boy, I'm clever on that gurney! Erin and her parents have been wonderful throughout this mess.
In other news, the Republican field of delegates is the most disgusting, frightening thing I have experienced in my long, full life. And why we have to be treated to debate after debate of this clown-show-turned-fecal-fest is way beyond me.

This just in! Have begun negotiations to e-publish my second book. By popular demand!

Stay tuned for more if you've a mind. Breaking news at 11:00!


Bob Chatelle said...

Bill, we're so sorry to hear this. But Jim and I are hoping for the best. Stay strong!

Katie said...

Sorry to hear of your ongoing health issues. You certainly will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Joseph Paguio said...

I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues; I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you have a swift recovery, Dr. Dehning!

Also, glad to hear about the e-publishing talks! I'm looking forward to buying a copy!